Monday, July 16, 2012

On Biases

Two of the individuals who read my pathetic little blog regularly, asked me about my religious beliefs. Honestly, I wasn’t going to answer this question; I do not really know what religion I most closely follow. There are some things however that I do believe firmly. I realize they could slant what I post here. I believe that when a good writer has a bias they disclose them.  So here are the short list of things  I think I know for sure:

1.       Nobody knows what happens when you die, not definitely. Lots of people have faith that different scriptures contain the truth, but everybody who vehemently disagrees with them has faith in another scripture.
2.       Jesus was cool. I have read several books. None of them star a protagonist more thoughtful, peaceful and logical than Jesus Christ. So though I cannot say he if is a messiah, or a savior and I think too many pollute his message, we can learn a significant amount from his gentleness.

3.       Nature has powers.      At least nature has power over me.  When I am outside where I used to sit with my grandpa, I feel his spirit. When I let rain touch my skin, I want kiss someone.  I see fireflies and instantly become five years old and catch them. The crunch of fall leaves under feet is one of the happiest sounds.

4.       Love is all you need. This isn’t just listed because The Beatles are the best band of all time, but also because I get through really difficult times by believing that love is what motivates people’s good and bad behavior.  Good or bad—if it was done with love, I can excuse or understand it. We all need love.

5.        Manners are common sense. Nobody is going to like everybody. Some people just do not connect. That is no reason to be discourteous. Most people know when they are being discourteous, and the others will make amends when it is pointed out.

6.       Everybody in my life (and yours) is meant to be there.  A line in the Song “For Good” ,in the play Wicked, said it best. “We are led to those who help us most to grow, if we let them… and help them in return.”

7.       Equality matters. Everything you can do, I should be allowed to do, and vice versa. It doesn’t matter who you are or who I am.

8.       Humor heals. You can survive the worst, if you can laugh about it.

9.       Being a good friend is the greatest gift you can give yourself. You get good friends back. 

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