Saturday, March 3, 2012

On What I Dream

I heard Viola Davis (star of the Academy Award nominated film, The Help, which you should all see) say on TV tonight that she has realized over the years that a true friend is someone with whom you can share your dreams without fear. I have a lot fear surrounding telling people what my dreams are, and I certainly don’t think it’s the fault of my friends, but like I did with my fiction writing I’m going to share my dreams with you here. Why? I get lazy, frustrated tired and complacent, just like most human-beings. Maybe, if I proclaim my dreams to the entire   internet, I’ll have to get over it and preserve, or maybe I’ll be very embarrassed. Time tells everything, eventually.

I want to publish a novel. I want to read something I'm proud to have written.

I want to be a wife and a mother. This goal makes me feel selfish, but I have always wanted to raise children and to have a family. I worry not so much about my future husband, as he will know what he is getting into and have a chance to run for the exit, but about the children I wish to have. Is it fair to bring them into a world with a mom who won’t be able to act like the other moms? Is it fair to bring them into a world where they have to explain my condition to their friends or where they might be labeled weird by association? I don’t know. It makes to teary-eyed to think that I won’t be able to hold my kids and walk at the same time, or that I won’t be able to let them help me cook in the kitchen (I’m get nervous enough  that I’ll spill something on myself). I still dream of being a wife and a mother though, and I still really hope it happens. Perhaps, I am selfish.

I want to travel-- everywhere a plane can take me, probably before I check off the wife and mother thing.  

I want to become a Social Worker. Most of my friends know this. My career goals don’t end there, however. I want to start a Non-Profit Organization that helps children with Autism with poor families get the ABA therapy that I believe they need, and that only the most well-off parents can afford to give their kids. I know this goal is lofty, and I’m a far cry from it right now.   I’m not the world’s best student, and I don’t have any experience in business, but I’m very passionate about this. I think an organization like the one I picture has to be created; so I’ll create it. Well…. Here is hoping. I haven’t told anybody this and my stomach is churning at the thought of people reading it, but you know me, I reveal things dramatically or not at all.

I truly appreciate everyone who reads this and does not think I’m crazy and I hope that I’ll be able to listen to your dreams soon.


  1. I don't think your crazy Cathleen. :) Hope you accomplish all these, which I'm sure you will! None of your dreams are selfish at all but they are all the opposite, which makes them good dreams and ones worth completing.

  2. Good goals :) It's not selfish that you want to be a mother... Remember it's all about love. You don't have to be the same mom that everyone else is. Everyone is different and if you love your children, it will be extremely hard for them not to love you back.

    1. Thanks Monica; I hope to as successful in motherhood as you are becoming.
