Sunday, October 7, 2012

20 Things you probably Didn't Know about the Writer of this blog

I was told to do this by other bloggers. I worked hard to try and make them things even my best friends didn't know. :)

20 things you probably don't know about me:

1. I think most lemonade is too sweet. That's weird because I have a major sweet tooth, I just like sour lemonade.

2. When I was really young, my sister and I were ridding the scrambler.  I fell over and my head went behind  her back. I have been in only one situation that was more terrifying.

3. Neither my mom nor I enjoy the circus very much.

4. I have my debit card number, expiration date and security code memorized.

5. Peeps candy grosses me  out.

6. My nose is always cold to the touch.

7. I believe in Karma to a ridiculous extent. For example,  If I see someone  crying in the bathroom and don't comfort them and then fall later in the day, I blame myself for the fall. I don't hold other people to this standard, however.

8. I have no interest in shopping unless I'm with someone who loves it. There is so much decision making involved. My friends who love shopping will often make these decisions for me.

9. My dad used to carve pumpkins with a jigsaw  for me.

10. I can't study effectively with the door shut, unless music is playing.

11. I have personal opinions about  each of the women on the show the Real Housewives of New Jersey. I watch the show by myself though because it's level of trashiness is embarrassing, and I am embarrassingly invested.

12. Energy drinks give me panic-attacks. I could drink two pots of coffee and not have one so it's not the caffeine.

13.  I was bullied very badly the Halloween I was eight. As a result, I did not go trick-or-treating. My dad took me to see "Remember The Titans". It's still my favorite movie.

14.  I know several boxing moves.

15. When I am bored I google really random stuff. A few weeks ago, I memorized the preamble of the US constitution.

16. I have learned to stop ranking my friends.

17. I have a slight obsession with knowing where common phrases (IE don't throw the baby out with bath water)  came from. I also really am interested in how people from different areas talk. The last interest arose because I had a Linguistics professor who could imitate any accent with crazy accuracy.  It was so cool.

18. When I watch a movie I really like, I want to watch it again the next day, but I always get bored halfway through the second viewing. It's annoying.

19. I have a gap between my two front teeth. When I am thinking, I run my tongue up and down it, subcutaneously  This just happened.

20. I always say that the only two things I know I am good at are writing and talking. The truth is, I am dissatisfied with most of what I write and say. I am so lazy, I don't want to rewrite things more than five times. And I know that if I constantly correct what I'll  appear to lack confidence. 


  1. Fail. I knew the peeps thing because we talked about it once. Also energy drinks give me panic attacks too. Weird. Love you!

  2. Well my mom always bought them for Maggie and forgot I hated them. Haha. I love you,too!
