I was told today, “Because you’re a writer…. You should blog.” It makes sense. Dancers are called dancers, because others watch them dance. A man’s not a football-player if nobody has ever seen him throw a pig-skin, and one is only considered an astronaut when NASA knows they have been to space. The easiest way to share information in 2011 is via the internet, and therefore if I want to be called a writer, I should use it to write.
In spite of all of this, I responded to my friend’s comment by saying that I had no idea what I would say in my blog. I am not particularly interesting. I’m a typical, atypical, disabled twenty-three year-old woman. I have probably succeeded and failed as much as any other, typical, atypical disabled twenty-three year old who might read this. I do not say this to be self-deprecating. Sure, we’re all special; ask any mother or hard-working kindergarten teacher in America. Truth be told however, if we were all particularly interesting , the names, Austin, Shakespeare, Marquez, Twain, and Joyce would be neither famous nor infamous. These writers are both, because they thought things the rest of the world did not, and they articulated those thoughts more eloquently than the rest of the world could. I know myself well enough to know, I do not think that deeply or speak that pretty—most people don’t. So, why did I decide to blog? Because as this whole babbling post has hopefully established, very few of us have unique experiences, thoughts, joys or pains. This means that very few of us will be famous or infamous, but it also means that we can learn from one another. I don’t know into what this blog will evolve. I am just going to give it a shot, I’m going to blog every once in awhile and hope that somebody can relate to my words. Another incredible accomplishment of the written word is that it has given voice to the voiceless. If any friend or reader out there wants a specific topic discussed, talk to me. I’ll do my best to lend you my voice. If in that process somebody calls me a writer, well, that’s cool, too.